SSE Report and SIP

Self-Evaluation Report and Improvement Plan 2018/2019


1. Introduction

This document records the outcomes of our last improvement plan, the findings of this self-evaluation, and our current improvement plan, including targets and the actions we will implement to meet the targets.


  • Outcomes of our last improvement plan
  • There is an awareness of the key role of comprehension strategy instruction.
  • Comprehension strategies are taught across the class levels.
  • Teacher now use a diverse range of resources to facilitate comprehension strategy instruction.
  • Teachers and children are familiar with the language of the comprehension strategies.


1.2   The focus of this evaluation

We undertook self-evaluation of teaching and learning during the period November 2018 to February 2019. We evaluated the following aspect of teaching and learning:


  • Teaching of Writing Genre throughout the school through the lens of learner experiences, teachers’ individual practice and teachers’ collaborative practice
  • Collecting evidence of what genre writing work we are doing in school at present
  • Finding out about student attitudes to writing


2. Findings


2.1 This is effective / very effective practice in our school

List the main strengths of the school in teaching and learning.


  • The majority of teachers are relatively confident in the teaching of writing genre
  • Pupils enjoy writing stories, poems, debates and news
  • Teachers use a lot of modelling and oral work to prepare for writing genre development


2.2. This is how we know

List the evidence sources. Refer to pupils’ dispositions, attainment, knowledge and skills.

  • Teacher Questionnaire –We asked teachers about what is working well for them in the teaching of writing genre, obstacles they have and what would help them in the delivery of writing genre.
  • Pupils’ Questionnaire –We asked pupils about their attitudes to writing, what they liked and what they would like to do more of.
  • Whole Staff Discussion: Staff discussion on the teaching of writing genre in a staff meeting


2.3 This is what we are going to focus on to improve our practice further

Specify the aspects of teaching and learning the school has identified and prioritised for further improvement.


Standard Statement(s)
Pupils engage purposefully in meaningful learning activities They are able to report on, present, and explain the process and outcome of learning activities to a highly competent level


The teacher selects and uses teaching approaches appropriate to the learning objectives and to the pupils’ learning needs. Teachers strategically select and use approaches to match the learing objective of the lesson, meet the needs of pupils and open up further learning opportunities.
Teachers contribute to building whole-staff capacity by sharing their expertise Teachers value their role within a professional learning organisation, and as a matter of course share their expertise with other teachers in the school.


3. Our improvement plan

Below we have recorded:

  • The targets for improvement we have set
  • The actions we will implement to achieve these
  • Who is responsible for implementing, monitoring and reviewing our improvement plan
  • How we will measure progress and check outcomes (criteria for success)

As we implement our improvement plan we will record:

  • The progress made, and adjustments made, and when
  • Achievement of targets (original and modified), and when



Our Improvement Plan

Timeframe of this improvement plan is from April 2019 to June 2019

DOMAIN: (From LAOS 2016)

Learner Outcomes

Teachers’ Individual Practice

Teachers’ Collaborative Practice

STANDARD(S): (From LAOS 2016)

See above

STATEMENT(S): (From LAOS 2016)

See above

TARGETS: (What do we want to achieve?)

·         All classes will follow the whole school writing genre plan.

·         Teachers will collaborate to build up a bank of suitable writing genre resources for each level and improve teaching practices.

·         Children develop confidence in their writing as they engage in more meaningful writing experiences.

·         Children will draw and write with a sense of purpose and audience while creating text in a range of genres and develop an individual voice to share their thoughts, knowledge and experiences.