School News & Events

A Memorable Day with the Irish Army Band

On an exciting day at our primary school, the Irish army band from Collin’s Barracks in Cork visited us, bringing with them a lively performance that filled the hall with music and joy. As the band members played a variety of pieces, they also took the time to explain the different instruments they used, showcasing the unique sounds of various musical instrument families like  brass, woodwinds and percussion. The entire school gathered to watch, and soon, the atmosphere transformed into a celebration as everyone joined in singing and dancing along to the captivating tunes. This special event not only entertained us but also taught us about the wonderful world of music and the importance of teamwork in creating beautiful sounds together.

Thank you to Ms Barry for organising this event. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Camogie Competition

Well done to our 4th class girls who recently took part in the Cork schools Indoor Camogie competition which took place in Little Island. The girls played fantastic and were very unlucky to narrowly miss out on a spot in the final. Thanks to the 3rd class girls for helping out on the day and to the parents who offered to drive also. A very positive and fun day out all round! Well done!

Say Yes to Languages

This year the boys and girls in 6th class took part in the ‘Say Yes to Languages’ module over ten weeks in Term 1. The Say Yes to Languages module introduces primary pupils to a new language by facilitating schools to introduce a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) of their choice. This year the children learned Spanish. They had a lot of fun during the lessons with role play, song and games as they made connections with other languages and learned about Spanish culture. They enjoyed a visit from two Spanish students from Midleton College during the Spanish themed party during the final lesson. They even got to taste some Spanish food including a tortilla cooked by Mr. Healy and his two commis chefs! Well done to the boys and girls for their enthusiastic participation in the Spanish lessons! Adiós!

Please see our school gallery for more photos.

A Festive Celebration: Our School Assembly ☃️


Our recent school assembly was a delightful event that brought together students and staff for a morning filled with joy and creativity. The talented 6th class trio of Megan, Cathal, and Maeve took the stage as master of ceremonies, guiding us through a program that showcased the amazing talents of our younger students. Both 2nd class and junior infants performed with enthusiasm, with 2nd class presenting a beautiful rendition of “An Chéad Nollaig” and junior infants reciting a charming poem about Santa, followed by two lively songs that had everyone dancing.

The excitement was palpable, especially during the best dressed staff member competition, where Ms. Barry triumphed with her festive attire. Adding to the fun, Maeve, Cathal, and Megan organized a “Dress the Snowman” contest that featured Mr. Healy and Ms. Barry competing to dress 2nd class students Eoghan Casey and Xavier Palmer as snowmen, with Ms. Barry emerging victorious once again. Well done to Ms O’Sullivan for being nominated for our VIP award by the pupils in 6th class, for all her help teaching them Spanish and making it fun. Mr McCarthy closed the assembly with reading a beautiful Christmas story to everyone. This assembly was a wonderful way to celebrate the spirit of the season and the talents within our school community.



A Podcast by 4th Class

For the Christmas season, 4th Class recorded an audio podcast. The material includes songs, stories, poems, questions, a rap and a few other festive pieces. The children prepared material to record and practiced beforehand. Some got material from home, while others made up their own Christmas stories, shout-outs and lists. Sometimes they needed a few takes but that’s all part of the fun and learning. We recorded the podcast in the classroom on a Scarlett Focusrite interface to Reaper sound software, and then edited the tracks on Movavi to generate a flowing podcast. We hope you enjoy it. Happy Christmas to all!

1st Class Making Pizza

First class have been very busy learning all about procedural writing over the past month and we thought it was only right we put some of those procedures to the test and make some yummy pizzas. We can confirm they were super tasty! Please see our school gallery for more photos.

Making Slime in Ms McCarthy’s Class

We made slime in our class. First, we poured cornflour into a bowl. Then we added water into the bowl. We used our hands to mix the cornflour and water together. Next, we added food colouring to our mixture. Finally, we had lots of fun playing with our slime. It was very
messy! The slime is a non-Newtonian liquid which means it is different to ‘normal’ liquids. It gets thicker when it is pushed or pressed down.

Sciath na Scol Football Final

The recent Sciath na Scol football final held at Páirc Uí Chaoimh showcased the remarkable spirit and determination of the girls from 5th and 6th class as they faced Aghada. This thrilling match captivated spectators from the beginning to the end, highlighting the girls’ hard work and teamwork throughout the season. Despite their impressive performance and relentless effort, the game concluded with a narrow defeat, as they lost by just one point. This experience not only demonstrates the competitive nature of youth sports but also teaches valuable lessons about resilience, sportsmanship, and the importance of striving for excellence, regardless of the outcome.

3rd Class News

We had a busy start to the year in 3rd Class. We have been working especially hard on our narrative writing, science experiments and STEM, maths talk and our Gaeilge. We wrote spooky stories and read them to 1st Class, we built structures out of spaghetti and marshmallows and we put eggs into different liquids to see investigate what would happen. Here are some of our photos.

Halloween in Dungourney

What a fang-tastic day we had at our school for Halloween this year! The excitement was palpable as all the children arrived dressed in their spookiest, silliest, and most imaginative costumes, showcasing the incredible effort they put into their attire. From superheroes to witches, pumpkins to ghosts and even a headless horseman,  the creativity was on full display!

In the morning, we gathered for a special whole school assembly where everyone could see the amazing costumes across the school. The atmosphere was buzzing with laughter and cheer, making it a celebration of imagination and fun! We wished Ms Caitríona O’Sullivan the best of luck for her wedding that will be held over the midterm break. Children from Juniors and Senior Infants performed a poem for Ms O’ Sullivan, wishing her all the best.

After the assembly, the festivities continued with a lively Halloween disco organised by Mr. Murphy. The children had a chance to show off their best moves while mingling with friends.

A huge thank you to all the parents and guardians for their wonderful contributions in helping the children create such fantastic costumes.

We hope everyone enjoyed the Halloween festivities! Please see our school gallery for more photos of the day.

5th class trip to Leahy’s Farm

On the 23 of October, 5th class were invited to visit Leahy’s Open Farm to learn about gardening. We planted crocus and bluebell bulbs. These flowers will bloom in early spring and will come back every year at Leahy’s farm. We planted a total of 500 bulbs! After we had finished planting we got to enjoy some of the activities at Leahy’s farm. We went go-karting and to the playground. We even got to see some of the
animals. It was a great morning! Please see our school gallery for more photos of the day.

Written by: Sinéad McKeon.

School Showjumping Event

A few weeks ago three of our students Shona, Emmeline and Brian Casey went to Maryville stables for the inter schools. The first rider was Shona and she did the 60cm team jump and got up to number ten. Her horse’s name is Max. The next rider was Emmeline, she did an 80 cm jump. Brian Casey went clear and then they all got a rosette and medal. Emmeline and Brian Casey then did the individuals competition. Brian had a circle and crossed his track with four faults and Emmeline came in 5th place. Written by: Brian Casey, 6th class.

There’s Something Special About Cross Country Kids:

“Cross Country kids turn up for their teammates.

These are the kids who cheer for everyone, regardless of pace.

Who cheer for the runner in first place as much as they cheer for the runner coming in last.

They know how much courage it takes to show up at the start line and how much effort it takes to cross the line.

These are the kids who celebrate every single finish and respect each of their teammates equally”

Well done to all the boys and girls who ran at the East Cork Schools cross country event on the 27th of September in Fr O’ Neils Gaa field, Ballymacoda. A great day was had by all.
Please see our school gallery for more photos taken on the day.

Our First Assembly of 2024/25 – September

On a vibrant morning in September, our school kicked off the new academic year with an inspiring assembly. The atmosphere was filled with joy as students showcased their talents, celebrating two special occasions: SNA Appreciation Day and European Day of Languages.
During assembly there were many performances. Some from 1st class, 2nd class, 5th and 6th class. Both 1st and 2nd class recited a poem in appreciation of our SNA’s. 5th class delivered an energetic rap that had everyone clapping along. The lyrics to the rap paid tribute to our dedicated Special Needs Assistants (SNAs), highlighting their vital role in supporting our children’s learning and well-being. Their commitment and passion shine through every day, and it was heartwarming to see the children acknowledge their hard work in such a creative way.
In addition to the rap, we enjoyed a dance performed by 6th class in celebration of European Day of Languages, which everyone joined in for.  Their energetic performance had everyone on their feet.
We are incredibly proud of all the students who participated and worked hard to make this assembly a memorable event. It was a perfect way to welcome everyone back to school while emphasizing the importance of appreciation and cultural awareness.
A big thank you to all the staff, parents, and students who contributed to the success of our first assembly of the year! We look forward to many more inspiring performances and celebrations throughout the school year.

Exciting Visit from Two All-Ireland Camogie Stars!**

We were thrilled to welcome two incredible All-Ireland Camogie players, Laura Hayes and Niamh O’Regan to our school this week! The children were buzzing with excitement as they gathered in the hall to meet these inspiring athletes.
The players shared their journey in the world of camogie, recounting their experiences on the field, the dedication it takes to succeed, and the importance of teamwork. They spoke passionately about how camogie has shaped their lives and encouraged all the students to take part in sports, regardless of their experience level.
The children were eager to ask the two players about their favourite matches, training routines, and what it feels like to win an All-Ireland title. Their enthusiasm was infectious!
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the camogie stars for taking the time to inspire our children. Their visit not only highlighted the importance of sports in our lives but also reinforced our belief that with hard work and determination, anything is possible. We hope to see our students taking their tips on board and perhaps becoming future stars themselves!

Cross Country Challenge September 2024

On a beautiful sunny September morning 49 of Dungourney’s finest athletes took a short bus journey to the grounds of Fota House to participate in the inaugural Fota House Cross Country Challenge. For many of these children it was their very first time toeing the line at a cross country event – which is not for the faint of heart. As usual our wonderful pupils did not disappoint and ran with strength and stamina across a lovely course that had gentle rolling hills, straights and turns. A great day of sportsmanship and fun was had by all involved, we even met and chatted with an Olympian! We look forward to next week where our school will line up again in the grounds of Fr’ O’Neills Gaa club for the East Cork schools Cross Country event. Well done to each and everyone who ran their hearts out and a big thank you to Mrs Barry for all your work in preparing the boys and girls.

Please see our photo gallery for more photographs from the day.

Junior Infants School Tour 2024

Junior Infants headed on their first school tour to Tír na Sí. They had a fantastic day.

2nd Class – June 2024

Second class has had a fun and busy month.
A big thank you to Killeagh National School for visiting our school and participating in a sports fun day. We really enjoyed it!
We have been learning about different insects. We used the ipads to find out about different insects and wrote reports about ants, butterflies, beetles and ladybirds. We also learnt about the life cycle of butterflies and spotted some chrysalis on our school tour to Fota.
Our school tour to Fota Wildlife Park and Midleton Garda Station was a huge hit and enjoyed by all!

5th Class School Tour 2024

On the 11th of June, 5th Class set off early for their school tour to Oysterhaven. There was huge excitement on the journey and we had a great sing song on the bus on the way down. When we arrived we quickly changed into our swimming togs and wetsuits and headed out to the water for kayaking, rafting and the “Moonwalk”. After lunch we played some team building games which was followed by the forest run. The challenge was to get as muddy as possible and some people in the class definitely achieved this. After a quick run into the sea to clean off the mud we got back on the bus and headed home to Dungourney. A great day was had by all!

Junior Infants and Senior Infants ‘Fun in the Sun’.

All the boys and girls in Junior Infants and Senior Infants have been having great fun this June. They have been having Teddy Bears’ picnics, have been playing soccer tournaments, doing Aistear outside and making the most of the fine weather. See some pictures here

Battle of Clonmult Site – 5th & 6th Class

In June 2024, 5th class and 6th class were invited to visit the site where the Battle of Clonmult took place. We have been learning about the Battle of Clonmult in school over the last few months. We invited Tom O’Neill to come and talk to us about the battle. He was very knowledgeable on the topic. He showed us a  Powerpoint presentation all about the Battle of Clonmult which was very informative. He also brought in a revolver, a grenade, a rifle and a bayonet that would have been used at the time of the Battle of Clonmult. Each item had its own story to tell.

After the Powerpoint presentation we got on the bus. When we arrived at the battle site we had a look at the monument of the old farmhouse that was on display. Tom answered all the questions we had about the battle. Overall the experience was fantastic, informative and fun.

Written by Cathal (5th Class)

Student V.I.P Awards 2023/2024

(Values In Practice)

Each month students are picked from throughout the school who demonstrate  our school values of KINDNESS, RESPECT and BELONGING. The teachers nominate these pupils and they are awarded a trophy and a prize at our monthly assemblies. Well done to all the pupils who have received a V.I.P awards this school year.

Firefighters from Midleton visit our school!

We were delighted when two firefighters from Midleton Fire Station visited our school. They spoke to 3rd Class and 4th Class about fire safety and how to keep safe at home. They encouraged all children to know their postcodes and create a fire escape plan with their family . 1st Class, 3rd Class and 4th Class got a tour of their fire engine.


Ms McCarthy’s Class – May 2024

We have been doing lots of planting with Hilary in our school garden. We have planted sunflowers, potatoes, pumpkins and green beans. We have also planted rudbeckia, echinacea and marigolds. We are watching the plants grow. There has been lots of sunlight and rain recently. This weather helps our plants to grow. We want to say a huge thank you to Hilary for all of her help and for her gardening expertise. We really appreciate it.

Peace Proms – SETU, Waterford 2024

After months of practice the school choir went to SETU, Waterford, last month to participate in the Peace Proms 2024 concert. It was a great experience and we enjoyed singing and dancing with the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland. We had a lovely stop at McDonald’s in Dungarvan on our way home.

4th Class Football Blitz – April 2024

Location: Páirc Uí Chaoimh

By Aaron and Amy

A couple of weeks ago, 4th Class were lucky enough to go up to Páirc Uí Chaoimh to play a match. When we got to the stadium, they got us ready for the tour right away. We were escorted to our seats and got to meet with other schools.

The guide talked about what we would see during the tour. We started the tour by looking at the away dressing room, and then saw the home dressing rooms … which was similar to the away room, only the walls were red and white, and it had a Cork crest painted on the floor, and looked a bit nicer. The guide told us where each player sits.

Most just sit under their squad number, except the oldest player, who has his own seat. We then went into another room with lots of seats. The guide told us that this is where journalists ask the managers questions. We then saw the warm-up room, where the Cork team goes before they play the match.

Outside there is a big hall, with pictures of all Cork’s hurling and football sponsors. The guide then took us out on the pitch, and showed us the bench, the commentary boxes and where the premium area is. He said the stadium could hold around 32,000 people.

After that, we played our own matches on the astro. There were two girls teams and one boys team. We played three matches each and won all of them.

Once we had our food, we went back on the bus and headed back to school. We were very happy with ourselves and we’d love to do it again.

Rugby Sessions – March 2024

As part of our Wellness Week, we were lucky enough to have a few sessions with coaches from Midleton Rugby Club for 1st to 6th Class. It was great fun, thanks to the coaches including Aidan McCarthy for training us.

Cór Fhéile – March 2024

3rd and 4th Classes travelled to Cork City Hall on March 22nd to participate in Cór Fhéile, a music festival. All children and parents enjoyed the performance and they did our school proud. Well done to all involved.

Wellness Week – Gymnastic Display

As part of our Wellness Week in March, we were lucky enough to see the skills and talents of all the gymnasts in our school when they put on a display for us. Well done to all and to Ms Foley who organised the event.

FÍS Film Festival 2024

On the 21st of February 2024, our class lucky enough to go to the Helix in Dublin to receive an award for our short film “Dungourney Spills the Tea” 

After a very early start making our way to Dublin we stopped in Junction 14 for some breakfast! We were all delighted when we arrived in Junction 14 because we were famished, Shortly after we hopped back on the bus and the excitement was through the roof.

When we arrived at the Helix we were glad to stretch our legs. We were welcomed by a FÍS staff member and got a picture taken. Following that we were ushered into our seats. As Sínead Kennedy came out everyone started applauding. Sínead made a speech and the awards began.

We waited patiently for our school to be called out, Dungourney along with 2 other schools had been nominated for best editing and we won! Aoife and I (Ali) ran up on stage to meet Sinéad. She asked Ali what our film was about and she asked me (Aoife) what you would learn about Dungourney from the film. I got nervous and said that we are amazing. 

When we left the auditorium we made our way to Cashel where we stopped for McDonalds. After finishing our food we dashed back on the bus to finish the last of our journey back to Dungourney. Overall it was a  great day out and we would not turn down the opportunity to do it again.

By Ali Ahern – 6th Class


1st Class – March 2024

1st class were super busy this month with lots of activities both inside and out of the classroom. Our favourite part was teaming up with some classes during Wellbeing Week. We had some much fun getting to know the older boys and girls. Some of the activities we took part in were rugby, reading, baking, card games, obstacle courses and many more. We would like to thank 3rd class and 5th class for teaming up with us this month to complete all the activities.

Please see pictures below of the many smiles shared throughout the month!

Cheque Presentation to ‘Alone’ – 5th Class

Emmeline and Izabel  (5th Class) recently presented a cheque for €300 to ALONE. The money was raised by the children in our school during our non-uniform day at Christmas. Emmeline and Izabel wrote a letter to Mr. McCarthy detailing why they felt ALONE would be a worthy cause for a Christmas donation. Well done girls!

‘Adopt a Grand-friend’

Our Parents Association have set up a Adopt a Grand-friend initiative. Recently, they organised a visit from Nancy and Margaret to our school.

Nancy and Margaret shared stories and did some baking with 6th Class. It was a great experience for all and we would like to thank them for their time.



3rd Class – February 2024

We have had a busy month in 3rd Class. We made St. Brigid’s Day crosses with other classes.

Both the boys and girls went to Little Island to play football in the Sciath na Scol leagues against other schools. It was great fun.

We are learning about procedural writing and made some milkshakes – delicious!

For Valentines Day, we made clay heart shaped pots, painted and varnished them.

We also dressed up for World Book Day at the start of March.

Look at our photos!


February Fun in Fifth Class! 

This month we have been very busy in Fifth Class. 

On St Brigid’s Day the classes from 3rd to 6th class all went to the hall to make St Brigid’s crosses. We had loads of fun making them. 

On the 2nd of February we travelled to St Mary’s High School in Midleton and watched “Shrek, The Musical”. It was really entertaining. After the show we decided to go for a walk into town. We visited ‘The Feathers’ first and Ms Barry told us about the history of ‘The Feathers’. After that we walked to the shops to get ourselves a treat. It was a really fun trip. We would like to say a big thank you to St Mary’s High School for inviting us. 

During the month of February, we learned a bit about engineering. We learned about electrical engineering and made our own electrical circuits. We also learned about environmental engineering and tested water with litmus paper to see if it was safe to drink. We learned about biomedical engineering and we made our own 2d prosthetic hands. We have learned a lot of new things.    

On Pancake Tuesday our teacher Ms O’Sullivan brought in pancakes and some toppings. We got to pick our own toppings and the pancakes were really nice.  

We also started gymnastics this month. We learned how to do rolls, jumps, shapes, balances, cartwheels and handstands. 

We had loads of FUN in February and we would like to thank our teachers for all the fun we have had!

By Imogen Corfield 



2nd Class – January 2024

We have had a very busy January in Second Class. We made delicious rice crispie buns and wrote recipes on Book Creator. We learnt about the water cycle and made our own water cycle pictures in Art. In maths we spent time learning about length and measured items in our classroom. We celebrated Grandparent’s day with the whole school and grandparents.

Miss Foley’s Class – January 2024

Miss Foley’s class has been learning all about caring for our bodies and in particular healthy eating. We did a fruit tasting test and everyone had to try a little piece of each fruit. We tasted mangoes, strawberries, grapes, kiwis, apples, oranges, and bananas.
We also made beautiful Grandparent’s Day art in preparation for celebrating Grandparent’s Day on Friday 26th January. The boys performed a poem on the stage with Junior and Senior Infants on this day. Well done boys!

School Choir News

The choir had a special treat on December 15th when we got to see the Midleton College show ‘Matilda’. We really enjoyed the performance. We appreciated the invitation and warm welcome from their principal, Dr. Gash – who even wore his Dungourney camogie top for our visit!
The school choir went to SETU, Waterford, on November 16th for a workshop ahead of their Peace Proms concert in March. We met the conductor and got to know his signals for the singers. Now we are busy practising all of our dance moves. We are really excited to have the opportunity to sing with the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland!

4th Class – Festivities

4th Class were busy during the week making ‘Rocky Roads’ for their Christmas movie day.  Thanks to Hilary, Lorna, and Nóirín for helping out.

Visit to Santa – Senior Infants

Senior infants, along with Junior infants, went on the most exciting trip this month. We were invited to visit Santa Claus himself in Midleton College. We got a bus into Midleton, where we decorated and ate gingerbread men, played games, got our faces painted and then got to speak to Santa Claus himself! The elves sang us some songs and the angels let us make some wishes. Santa gave us all a little present on our way home. Senior infants loved every second and we had the best day.
We are also practicing for our Christmas play this month and doing lots of Christmas Aistear, including The Elves Workshop and The North Pole Post Office!
We are having a great December in Senior Infants! Click here to see the photos.

Oh Deer! – Our Dungourney Deer ‘Brandon’ heads for Midleton

A group of children from the senior classes were busy painting and decorating our deer, who is named ‘Brandon’. He is beautiful and is now proudly displayed in Midleton for the festive season. Well done to all involved and thanks to Avril for her help too.

Artic Aistear – Junior Infants

Junior Infants have been Polar Explorers in the Arctic for the month of November.

Marymount Fundraiser

6th Class were delighted to present a cheque of over €4300 to representatives from Marymount. Well done to 6th Class for their huge effort and a sincere note of thanks to all those who donated and who attended the coffee morning.

Ms McCarthy’s Class – November 2023

We have been very busy getting ready for Christmas. We put up lots of decorations around the classroom. We will be making lots more decorations in December.
The Late Late Toy Show was on November 24th. We learned about the history of the Late Late Toy Show. We learned that the Late Late Toy Show started in the 1970s! We watched clips of toy shows from the past. The previous presenters of the toy show were Gay Byrne, Pat Kenny and Ryan Tubridy. There is a new presenter this year. His name is Patrick Kielty. We watched Patrick Kielty’s toy show ad. The children were giving him advice on how to
host the show. It was very funny. We designed a jumper for Patrick Kielty. We really enjoyed watching the Late Late Toy Show. We thought that Patrick Kielty did a great job!

Junior Infants – Science Week

Junior Infants became scientists and engineers during science week and were busy investigating materials.

First Class – October 2023

1st class has been very busy this month getting into the spirit of Halloween and working with other classes. We were challenged on our maths skills by 5th class. Thank you for making great maths trails for us. We had so much fun! We were also very lucky to get the chance to listen to 3rd class reading us some very spooooooky Hallowe’en stories by torch light. We have been very busy learning all about procedural writing this month. We learnt how to make buns so it was only right that we also made and iced them in class!! Yum!


Maths Week in 5th Class

During the month of October, we celebrated Maths Week in 5th Class. We had great fun trying to improve our maths skills using games and technology. We used the new school Ipads to play tables games against each other. We designed and made our own board games and played them. We also worked in pairs and groups to solve problems.

We decided to help some younger classes to celebrate Maths Week too. We created a maths trail around the school and the yard for 1st class and we helped them to answer the questions. We also taught 2nd class how to play some board games and card games like Frustration, Uno, Ludo and Chinese Checkers.


Inter-Schools Showjumping, Maryville

Well done to Brian, Mary-Jane, Emmeline and Fiona who represented our school in a showjumping competition in October. We are proud of them and delighted to see their rosettes and trophies. Their classes got an extra special treat when some four legged friends came to visit us in school a few days later. It was great to see their horses.


East Cork Primary Schools – Cross Country

The East Cork Primary Schools Cross Country took place in Fr. O’Neill’s Sportsfield on Friday 29th September. The children representing our school put on their green and yellow bibs and travelled by bus to the event, along with Ms Barry, Mr Healy and Mr McCarthy. They did us proud and well done to all. Thanks to Ms Barry for all the time she gave to training at lunchtime. See some photos here.

Marymount Coffee Morning September 22nd 2023- 6th Class News

Marymount Coffee Morning was very exciting but also a very hard working experience for us in 6th class.  In preparation we had to collect paper cups, lids, paper plates, milk jugs and much more.  Everybody worked as hard as each other.  Sending out invitations and making posters was also a very important part of the event. 

On the morning of the event everybody brought in their cakes.  We set up the tables in the hall and put the table cloths on the tables to make them look nice.  We all knew the jobs we had so we got in our positions and we waited for the guests to arrive.  We were very worried when we only saw 5 cars, but we were blown away by the amount of people that came after.  It seemed that everybody was having a great time for a fantastic cause. 

It shows the great community spirit that we are blessed to have in Dungourney. We would like to thank everybody for being so generous for donating an incredible amount of money for an amazing cause.  

We are unable to name the amount of money we have raised simply because there is still money coming in.  Thank you all and we hope to see you next year.

Written by: Niamh Hanna


3rd Class September News

September has been a busy month for 3rd Class. Our favourite moments have been doing a variety of science experiments and trying out our Chromebooks.


5th Class School Tour to Oysterhaven

On Thursday 15th of June, we made the long journey to Oysterhaven Activity Centre. There was a lot of excitement on the bus on the way down as we had heard some great things about the place. We started the day with some team building activities and games with our instructors. Next, we moved onto the Jungle Activity Course. We had been warned by Ms O’ Sullivan that we would get muddy and we definitely did! We ran, jumped, climbed, rafted, crawled and
swam through the jungle course until finally we made our way to the clean water to wash ourselves off for lunch!
After lunch we got our wetsuits, helmets and paddles and headed for the sea. With the sun keeping the water nice and warm for us we did some kayaking, rafting and pier jumping. Even Mr. Murphy, Mr McCarthy and Ms. O Sullivan joined us for some fun on the water. We really enjoyed our day at Oysterhaven Activity Centre. Please enjoy some photos from  our trip.

6th Class – Glendonagh – Adopt a Grandfriend

We have really enjoyed spending time getting to know the residents in Glendonagh. At Christmas time we went up singing Christmas carols to them, it was a very enjoyable experience, we really enjoyed writing letters to them and getting to know the residents. Last Friday we went up to Glendonagh playing board games with the residents and doing some gardening. It was extremely enjoyable sitting around listening to the residents tell us their great stories.
By 6th Class

4th Class Orienteering

Recently, 4 th class took a trip down to Bailick Walkway to take part in some orienteering. We had a great day out and really enjoyed the weather. See the pictures here.

3rd Class School Tour

3rd Class went to Cork City Gaol, the Waterworks and finished the day with a game of bowling. A great day was had by all. See the pictures here.

Sports Day 2023

The whole school enjoyed our Sports Day in the field which was organised by 6th Class. We finished off the day in style with the annual Staff vs Students soccer match.

1st Class – Ironman Postcards

First class were delighted to be part of the preparation for the upcoming Ironman which takes place in Youghal this summer. Each child wrote a little message of encouragement to be added to the athletes’ goody bags before the race! We even have some of our own junior athletes competing in the children’s event! Best of luck to all participants!

4th Class – Sunflowers

We had a very busy month in 4th class. We started off in May by planting sunflower seeds. We looked after our seeds and watched them grow over the last few weeks.

4th Class – Art

For Art in 4 th class, we used clay to make small pots and ornaments. Once the clay had dried we spent some time decorating the clay with paint.


2nd Class Activities

We have been very busy in 2nd Class. May was a very special month. We received our First Holy Communion.  We had a lovely day celebrating.
We have been making great use out of our new gymnastics equipment.  We have learned some new skills such as forward rolls and cartwheels.  It has been great fun!
We have also been doing ‘play’ through Gaeilge. We have been making up summer shops where we have been selling and buying ice cream.

Cork City Sports 2023

It was a busy sporting week with a fine number of athletes competing in the Cork City Sports in MTU in Cork. Well done to all who competed and all who came home with trophies. Thanks to Ms Barry and Ms Foley for their organisation and training in the weeks coming up to the competition and their great support on the day. A fantastic day out for all involved.


3rd Class Blitz – Páirc Uí Chaoimh

3rd Class followed the footsteps of the Sciath na Scol teams back to Páirc Uí Chaoimh to play a blitz on the 4G on Thursday. The boys and girls did themselves proud against some other Cork schools. The visit to Páirc Uí Chaomh was finished off with a tour around the stadium. A great day was had by all.

Sciath na Scol 2023 – Páirc Uí Chaoimh

Our Sciath na Scol teams were victorious in Pairc Uí Chaomh on Tuesday last. Our boys claimed the Allianz DH4 hurling title with a win over Aghada and the girls claimed the Allianz DC4 camogie title with a win over Castlemartyr. A great day out was had by all players, coaches, mentors, supporters and parents. Thanks to Mr Healy, Ms Coyne and Ms Mulcahy for all their training. We are so proud of our teams and coaches who worked and trained tirelessly with massive commitment to get to the final.  Congratulations and well done to all involved.

JEP Showcase Day – May 2023

We decided to have a JEP Showcase Day last Friday, where we invited the whole community to come and join us in Dungourney N.S. hall to browse around our selection of soaps. It was a great experience for 6th class as junior entrepreneurs to see people buying our soaps. We held a raffle inthe school hall with a beautiful hamper with many surprises inside. We sold around 100 soaps and we made €750. We had a selection of teas, coffees and a variety of cakes and treats for the customers of our JEP Showcase Day. Overall it was a great success for all of us and we really enjoyed the day.

Written By Ava Wallace and Ava O Callaghan










First Class Creations in the Sun – May 2023

1st class were soaking up the sunshine today while using different pieces of twigs, stones, chippings and leaves to make different constructions. If you look carefully you’ll see a hotel, campsite, bowling alley and battlefield! Very creative!

1st class would also like to say a big thank you to Mrs. Doyle for providing all the resources for their creations.

Well done Abbie Murphy in 1st Class

A massive congratulations to Abbie Murphy in 1st class for taking part in the Cork Primary Schools first ever Inclusive Games which took place yesterday in The Mardyke Arena in Cork. A fantastic achievement in which Abbie has confirmed was “THE BEST DAY EVER!!”
A special thanks to Mrs. Barry and Sue also for their support and encouragement towards Abbie in entering and partaking in the competition.
Well Done Abbie- You Superstar!

Sciath na Scol

Well done to both the boys and girls in 5th and 6th class for reaching the semi finals of the Sciath na Scol. We wish them the best of luck in the upcoming semi finals.


Cork International Choral Festival

Our school choir sang in the Cork City Hall on Wednesday night as part of the Opening Gala Concert for the Cork International Choral Festival. Well done to all involved. It was a great night and a wonderful experience.


Letter Writing in First Class

Over the last few months, 1st class have been working very hard on their letter writing skills, so we decided to team up with 1st class in St. John the Baptist N.S in Midleton and write to our new penpals.
This has been a very enjoyable experience for the boys and girls in 1st class and they have really enjoyed getting to know their penpals by responding to their letters. Hopefully we might get the opportunity to have a day out and meet our penpals at the end of the school year!
Please see our school gallery for more photos.

Budding Gardeners in Junior Infants

Junior infants have been very busy planting over the last month. They have planted some parsley, thyme, cosmos, lettuce and sweet pea indoors and they have also planted some peas, broad beans and spinach outdoors. All the plants that have been sown indoors will be planted outdoors after the Easter break. This is all part of the Woodies Budding Gardeners programme. The project includes planning, planting and perfecting your very own class garden. All the children will be able to muck in and get involved. Hopefully our garden will be in full bloom come June. Please see our school gallery for more photos.


Spring Clean

As part of National Spring Clean, on Wednesday, March 29th all classes took part in cleaning up around the school and village. All of the materials had been kindly provided for this event by An Taisce. Well done to all involved.

Lá Glás

We had a wonderful day filled with celebrations of the Irish language, music, dance and recitation in the school. Please click on the clip below, which Mr Murphy kindly created, showcasing some of the wonderful things we got up to for our Lá Glás.

FAI 5s Competition- 6th Class Boys

On Thursday, March 16th, our 6th Class boys participated in the FAI 5s soccer competition in Mayfield. The boys drew one game and won three games, without conceding a goal. Unfortunately, in the end, they were knocked out on goal difference. Like the girls, the boys have also been fantastic at training and across practice games over the last couple of months and should be very proud of themselves. Thanks also to Aidan in 4th Class for attending all the training sessions and supporting the lads today.

FAI 5s Competition- 6th Class Girls

On Wednesday, March 7th, our 6th Class girls participated in the FAI 5s soccer competition in Carrigtwohill. The girls won 4/5 group matches and and also won their semi-final against Scoil Chlíodhna CNS, Carrrigtwohill. Unfortunately, in the end, they were beaten by Walterstown NS in the final. The girls have been fantastic at training and across practice games over the last couple of months and should be very proud of themselves.

Frameworks Art Project

3rd Class took part in the ‘Frameworks’ Art project. They got five pieces of fabulous artwork by Irish artists to hang in the hall. Artist Julie Forrester came to third class for a series of lessons. This involved looking and responding to the pieces of art, drawing, printing, sketching, self-portraits, portraits and landscapes. They used a variety of media including pencils, charcoal and crepe paper. Julie taught the class a lot and everyone had different,  favourite lessons with her. It was a great experience. Please see our school gallery for photos.

February-4th Class

This past month in 4th class, we celebrated St. Brigid’s Day on the 1 st of February. We spent some time learning all about St. Brigid and the work that she had done. As a class we made modern St. Brigid’s Day crosses using lollipop sticks and wool. Here are some pictures of our creations.

During art this month, we created papier mâché letters using old newspapers and paste. Once these dried we painted them. Please see our school gallery for more photos.

FÍS Film Festival

Congratulations to Jake Rodgers from 1st Class and the children from 6th Class for winning the coveted prize of Best Original Song for Jake’s song “Chairs” at the 17th FÍS Film Festival 2023.

The music-video for “Chairs” was entered in the FÍS Film Competition last June and was subsequently nominated for an award at the FÍS Film Festival awards ceremony at the Helix theatre in DCU Dublin.

The song was nominated for three “Outstanding Achievement” awards – in Comedy, in Editing, and finally (and for which it won) in Original Music.

Seán and Holly from 6th Class represented the school and accepted the award on stage from host Sinéad Kennedy, while cameras panned to Jake and his friends who were cheered by everyone in the auditorium.
Well done again Jake and 6th Class; You should all be very proud of yourselves!

Values Alley

Some of the 2nd class look happy exploring our values alley.


Engineering in a Box – 5th Class

Over the past few weeks an engineer has been visiting our class every Wednesday. His name is Jack and he works at JP Hegarty’s. He has been teaching us all about the different types of engineering. We have learned about the world’s tallest buildings and how things are made such as bridges. We have also been building things and testing things out.

Jack taught us about process engineering. An example of process engineering is growing a tomato in a field, next it goes to the factory, then it is made into ketchup, followed by bottling and packaging and finally it is sent to the supermarket where you can buy it.

Jack has also been teaching us about mechanisms and how to adapt mechanisms to make things easier. An example of a mechanism is a pully. Pully’s make things like lifting heavy objects easier.

We also learned about windmills and how they work. The blades of a windmill are at different angles so the wind can move them at any angle. We have completed activities to go with everything that we have learned. For example, when we were learning about process engineering we designed and made a marble run.

We are looking forward to learning more about engineering in the next few weeks. Thanks to Jack for everything he has taught us so far.

By: Seán Padden: 5th Class

Please some pictures of some of the activities we have been doing with Jack  in our school gallery.

News from 2nd Class

We have had a lovely first month back in 2023. We made lovely firework drawings to celebrate the start of the new year. These were great fun to make as we got to use pastels. We learned about the Chinese New year and we had great fun construting chinese lantrens.
We have also been doing athletics in P. E. It is great fun to see how fast we can run. The hurdles are also good fun as  we can see how high we can jump over them .
For grandparents day we made lovely tea light holders. We made them using clay. We hope they will love lighting their candles in them.
We have been doing lots of preparation for our First Confession. We are singing songs and learning prayers.
Here are some pictures of what what we have been up to in January.

Choir Rehearsal at St. Finbarre’s Cathedral

Our school choir went to their first rehearsal for the Opening Gala Concert of the Cork International Choral Festival on Thursday 26th to St. Finbarre’s Cathedral. The choir met the other schools that are also taking part as well as the director, Peter Stobart. After the rehearsal we were really lucky that Peter gave us a short guided tour. He was very impressed by the genuine interest shown by the boys and girls and their extremely thoughtful questions. We are very excited about performing in the Cork City Hall on April 26th! (please see our school gallery for more photos)

December in Ms McCarthy’s Class

We have a very busy December in our class.
Christmas was our Aistear theme for December.

  (Please see our gallery for more photos)
We practised very hard for our Christmas shows and carol service. We performed

We got to visit the library bus. We chose books to read.

We had a very exciting day on Friday 16th December. Santa visited our school and we got to meet him.
We wrote Christmas stories with some of the boys and girls from 6th class.

We watched a movie in the hall.

We decorated our classroom door for Christmas. Can you spot the elves we made? We also
decorated jumpers for the Christmas art exhibition.

It was David’s 6th birthday this month. We had a party in school. We made rice krispie buns and we ate some cake.

We visited Arcade in 5th class. We had lots of fun playing with the games. (Please see our gallery for photos)
We are really looking forward to Christmas.

Aistear in Junior Infants

Junior Infants have been very busy engaging with Christmas Aistear. They have been learning all about the Arctic Circle and The North Pole.  Please see our school gallery for more photos.


Junior Infants were also very busy creating and designing their classroom door and hallway.

STEPS Engineering Project in 3rd Class

We completed the STEPs Engineering Project. We designed and built something that could help the local community. As part of our project we had a visit from Michal Dymet from Engineers Ireland. We presented our projects to him. We learned a lot and had fun!

The FÍS Film Festival

The FÍS Film Festival is an annual awards ceremony, which takes place in the Helix Theatre in Dublin, that showcases the best examples of school film-making and visual story-telling in Ireland.
Dungourney NS are regular nominees in the FÍS Film Festival and have travelled to the Helix on numerous occasions in the past.
Last May, Jake from Senior Infants performed a song for the school assembly that he wrote himself, calling it “Chairs”.
Jake’s song was subsequently recorded and mixed, with 5th Class filming and participating in a music video for the song alongside Jake.
The resulting music video was shared across the school at the next assembly and was an instant hit. The next step was to send the video as an entry for the FÍS Film Festival ’22.
Last month, it was announced that “Chairs” had been nominated for an award at the 17th FÍS Film Festival Award Ceremony ’22, to be held next February in the Helix, with all participants invited to attend.
Congratulations to Jake and all the (now) 6th Class who took part, and we wish them all the best at the award ceremony.
Details of the ceremony can be found at:

Science Week in Senior Infants

To help celebrate science week in Senior Infants all of the children took part in a few experiments. The children had a little booklet where they made predictions, tracked the experiment’s progress and drew pictures of the results. They loved getting the opportunity to work together as part of a team and were very interested in all things science week.

1st Class Cooking Up A Storm!

The boys and girls in 1st class have been super busy lately learning all about procedural writing. As this can be very ‘hungry’ work they decided to learn how to make gingerbread men by following the correct procedure/recipe. Of course no lesson would be complete without actually making them also!! A yummy treat and smiles all around to mark the start of the Christmas period! (Please see the gallery for more photos)

Science Week

By Fiona Loughnane
During science week this year we learnt all about science. For example, scientists, facts and much more!
My favourite part of science week was learning about George Crum. He was responsible for making the first ever crisp and has a restaurant in New York City which only sells crisps! Also, did you know that Nicola Tesla invented electric currents? These are two of the many scientists I learnt about during Science week this year.
I also learnt many new facts during science week. For example, it’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open! Also, did you know the moon can fit inside the earth nearly four times?
My favourite experiment from science week was the ‘Heart Experiment’. We first found our heart beats by putting our hands on our chest or wrist. We then did different exercises, for example- jumping, skipping and walking to check if our heart beated faster or slower. We discovered that when you are more active your heart beats faster as it has to pump blood all around your body. Did you know you cannot live without a heart or else you will die.
I love science, it’s one of my favourite subjects. This science week was the best week ever!
By Maria Cremin
Science week took place in our school from the 14th-18th of November this year. My favourite experiment from science week was the magic bubbling experiment. For this experiment we used many different ingredients such as- washing up liquid, vinegar, baking soda, food colouring and glitter.
Our teacher explained that the baking soda contained alkaline and the vinegar had acid in it and when you mix them together it makes carbon dioxide which caused the potion to bubble everywhere. It was so cool.
My favourite part about Science week was learning about the different scientists. We learned about Albert Einstein. He came up with amazing discoveries about light, gravity, space and time. Did you know that Alexander Fleming invented penicillin? This is an antibiotic which can be used to treat a lot of illnesses and infections. Also, Thomas Edison invented the first working light bulb and finally, Marie Curie was the first woman scientist to win the Nobel prize twice! She helped to make x-rays take better pictures.
I really loved science week this year, it was so much fun! I would love to be a scientist some day!

4th Class Camogie Blitz

The 4th class girls played in the camogie blitz against Mainistir na Corann yesterday.
It was the girl’s first camogie outing this year. Ms. Coyne and Ms. Mulcahy were very impressed with all the girls taking part.  Keep up the practice!

Juniors Infants and 6th Class Paired Reading

Ever since the first reading session with the junior infants, we have had great fun with them. Jack is my junior infant partner; I have seen that he is getting more confident around people and is starting to enjoy school more with each growing day. If you look closely, you can see every single junior infant more confident each day. Us as a sixth class really enjoy reading to the Junior Infants and we look forward to hearing them reading to us when they are able.
In conclusion, I think the reading /bonding that we have done in the first month is brilliant, not only for junior infants but also for us 6th class. They are becoming more confident and getting comfortable with our school and it’s also great for us 6th class to learn to interact with the younger classes and to welcome and help the juniors settle into our school.
By Elijah – 6th class

Marymount Coffee Morning

On Friday the 23rd of September 2022, we held a coffee morning in our school hall at St. Peters N.S., Dungourney in aid of Marymount Hospice. It was organised by 6th class.

First, we sent out invitations a couple of days before and then we put up posters around the school advertising the coffee morning. On the day before, 6th class were busy preparing. We had to get the ingredients and go baking. Some of the sweet things we made were cupcakes, cookies, mars bar squares and banana bread. In the morning we first set up the hall. We had to set up the tables and chairs. We put table cloths on the tables and set up the children’s play area. Everybody in the class got a job to do. Some children were out doing the traffic, others were serving cakes, some were looking after the children in the play area, others were welcoming people and more were giving out the tea and coffee. The place looked great. We were surprised with the amount of people that came. Very quickly the hall was full. My job was serving the cakes. We were all so busy that the morning flew. Before long everybody was gone.

When we got back to the classroom, we had to count up the money to see how much we had raised. As a result of people’s generosity, we raised €3773.50 and we hope to get more donations in the next couple of weeks.

I really enjoyed being part of the coffee morning and I am very proud of the amount of money our school and community have raised for Marymount Hospice.

By Ava Wallace – 6th Class

Virtual Assembly

Today we had our very first virtual whole school assembly. It was a wonderful opportunity for all the boys and girls to see inside the classroom of their fellow pupils. Each class from junior infants to sixth class performed for the school. We heard some very spooky songs and poems. Well done to all involved. We are already looking forward to our next virtual assembly.

Alan Nolan Visit

We were lucky enough to have author and illustrator, Alan Nolan, virtually visit 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Class on Monday, October 5th. Alan kept pupils and teachers entertained with a mixture of storytelling, drawing lessons, random animal facts and a quiz to finish. We would like to thank the Cork County Library service and Alan for coordinating this event with the school.

Farewell 6th Class of 2020

Although we would all love to say goodbye to you in person, unfortunately that can’t happen this year.

However, the staff of Dungourney NS, past and present, would still like to wish you all the best.


A big thank you to Mrs Comer for all her hard work in putting together this lovely clip.

Virtual Sports Week 2020

We are delighted to have had our first ever virtual sports week. A massive thanks to all the boys and girls and and their parents for partaking. Thank you to Ms Coyne and Mrs Barry for all their hard work in organising the virtual sports week. Thank you Mr Murphy for putting this wonderful video together.

Here is a clip showcasing some of the activities you got up to!

We hope you enjoy it!