Intimate Care Policy – St. Peter’s NS
Intimate care is any caring procedure which involves attending to a student when he/she is
undressed or partially dressed, washing (including intimate parts), helping to use the toilet, changing nappies or carrying out a procedure that requires direct or indirect contact with an intimate area of a student, or any procedure carried out while the student is in a state of whole or partial undress.
The supervision of students while they are dressing and undressing will also be considered as intimate care. This policy and related procedures have been developed bearing in mind that all physical contact between staff and students:
-should be aimed at meeting the needs of students
-should respect the dignity of each student
-should be consistent with professional integrity of staff members
Policy rationale.
The aim of the policy is to increase knowledge, enhance skills and promote good practice in this sensitive area. All staff will be made aware of the standards expected of them. Intimate care will be carried out only by regular school employees.
Relationship to the School Ethos.
All students and staff members have the right to feel safe and be treated with dignity and respect.
Aims and Objectives.
The aims of this policy are;
-to ensure that the dignity and privacy of the student involved is paramount
-to develop a framework of procedures whereby intimate care requirements are dealt with
in an appropriate manner.
Staffing Levels.
Toileting ‘Accidents’
As teachers we act ‘in loco parentis’ and can deal with a toileting accident without assistance. It is good practice to only provide help that is required by the student. The teacher should encourage the student to do as much for themselves as possible. A teacher must always be cognisant of his/her duty of care regarding effective supervision of all the students in the class when assisting a student with toileting.
Intimate Care Policy
It is school policy that;
The personnel involved in intimate care needs of students are usually SNA’s but teachers
may be involved. There should be a minimum of two staff members present at all times. No substitute SNA should be involved in the toileting of a student unless sanctioned by the Principal or the SENCO.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Where necessary, parents/guardians should supply the school with the resources required to carry out the toileting or other care needs, which may include, but not be limited to; nappies, wipes, creams, nappy sacks, spare underwear, spare clothes.
Intimate Care/Toileting Plan
In the event that a specific toileting need has been identified for a student, an intimate
Care/Toileting Plan will be developed in partnership with the student’s class teacher, designated SNAs and the student’s parents/guardians.
The Care Plan must include;
Specific Care Need
Number of staff required to meet the needs of the student
Identification of the staff members involved
Additional equipment required
Child’s level of ability
Cultural and/or religious sensitivities
Signature of Class Teacher
Signature of Parent
Signature of SNAssa
Signature of SENCO/Principal
Date of Care Plan
Elements of Good Practice for Staff:
While it is not possible to prescribe guidelines that will apply in all situations, it is important the elements of good practice be followed:
-in the case that a student has an Intimate Care Plan ensure you are completely familiar with the plan.
-use appropriate and professional language. Specific language may be detailed in a care plan.
-respect the dignity and privacy of the student at all times.
-have all equipment and materials to hand before commencing.
-take all precautions when disposing of soiled material in the bin provided.
-the student’s independence will be encouraged.
All toileting ‘accidents’ involving students with no Care Plan must be reported to the students’ parents.
If during the intimate care of a student a staff member;
-accidentally hurts/injures the student
-the staff member observes something which raises child protection concerns
-the student seems to misinterpret what is said or done
-the student has a very emotional reaction without apparent cause
the incident must be reported to the Class Teacher/Principal/SENCO or the DLP or Deputy DLP as appropriate.
Staff Roles and Responsibilities.
Teachers, and the Principal assume shared responsibility, participates in, and contributes to the implementation of an effective and equitable ‘Intimate Care and Toileting Policy’.
Success Criteria
The school evaluates the success of the policy through;
- Participation of all staff in the policy
- Safe and effective care of all students in our school
- Feedback from all staff
- Feedback from relevant parents/guardians.
This policy is effective immediately.
Ratification & Communication
This policy was ratified by the Chairperson of the Board of Management on 19/10/2020.
This policy will be reviewed and amended as necessary by means of a whole
school collaborative process.